Title: Watch Jane Fail
Category/Genre: Adult/New Adult
Manuscript Word Count: 70,000
Pitch: When Jane’s stoner boyfriend rolls off his waterbed and asks her if she wouldn’t mind taking the virginity of his best friend, she realizes something’s got to change—and it’s her.
Great pitch! I'd love to see a query and pasted first three chapters in an email sent to BloomsburySparkUS at Bloomsbury dot com. Please include Pitchmas and the title of your book in the subject line!
Meredith Rich
Bloomsbury Spark
I'd love to see this! Could you submit the query and full ATTN to me here?
ooo... query me please! Pitchmas + Title in subject line. Query + first ten pages pasted in the body of the email! flahertyqueries@thebentagency.com