
Friday, October 9, 2015

#PitchMAS 2015's Dates Have Been SET!

More details coming soon! 

FRIDAY 12/11/15
(A blog post will go LIVE on 12/11, right here on the PitchMAS blog, where you will post your pitches in the COMMENT SECTION. Your peers will then hop around and critique/advise you on what works/doesn't work. Tamara and Jessa WILL NOT be participating in the workshop; this is for peer critique/help only.)

SUNDAY 12/13/15 - MONDAY 12/14/15

For this event, we will be accepting your 35-word pitch submissions VIA EMAIL ONLY
Submission window will be open from 
Sunday 12/13/14 at 9:00amPST until Monday 12/14/15 at 6:00pmPST
We will delete any submissions received before or after that submission window, and it is up to you to figure out your own time zone differences.

THURSDAY 12/17/15
{35 Words or Less}
The TOP 50 pitches will go live on the PitchMAS blog at MIDNIGHT on Thursday, 12/17/15. Agents and editors will have the entire day (as well as all day Friday!) to comment and make requests. 
Please do NOT comment if you are not an agent or editor. THE ONLY EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE is if an agent/editor has asked a SPECIFIC question. Any other non-agent/editor responses or comments will be deleted. 

FRIDAY 12/18/15

{140 Characters or Less}
All day long on Friday, 12/18/15, we will have our PitchMAS Twitter Party! 
Agents and editors will follow the hashtag #PitchMAS, reading your awesome pitches. ANYONE can participate, even if you didn't make it into the 50 selected blog pitches. 
However, your manuscript MUST BE COMPLETED and POLISHED. 
Twitter pitches MUST BE 140 Characters or Less and HAVE TO include the hashtag. DO NOT make the agents and editors work by breaking your pitch into more than one tweet. That will just annoy them and your fellow pitchers. We also advise against making them click a link to get to your pitch. Guess what? They won't.  Also, including images with your pitch is gimmicky and we advise against it.
Please keep your Twitter pitching to no more than TWO PITCHES PER HOUR. Do not fill up the feed with your pitch over and over again. This will annoy the agents and editors involved, as well as ruining it for everyone else and people WILL remember you for it. 

Follow along with the hashtag: #PitchMAS

Participating agents and editors will be announced soon! 

In the meantime, make sure you follow both of us on Twitter. (We often post the same #PitchMAS related info, but you never know when only one of us will tweet something important.)




We've posted a few #PitchMAS success stories (more to come!) here on the blog as well, so if you're curious, click HERE to view them! 


  1. I'll be entering PitchSlam--if I'm chosen, am I still allowed to enter PitchMAS?

  2. My name is Heather Powell and I'm an editor at BookFish Books. I'd love to be added to the list of professionals for Pitchmas. Thanks!

  3. Hi! I'm co-founder of Velvet Morning Press and I registered to participate in Pitchmas as a publisher several months ago. I'm posting this to verify I'm on your list... Thanks!

    1. Hi Adria. People can't just sign up to be judges for Pitchmas. Right now our Editor list is pretty full and we're still waiting for a few confirmations, so we can't invite you to be an official judge, but everyone is welcome to participate in the twitter pitch party.

  4. Hi :)

    I was wondering if it's the same email address we use as last year's PitchMas? (the one at gmail)

    Thank you :)

  5. Oh, yes. I too want to know about the email address. Also, I can't remember if we can submit only one manuscript, or free to submit two for the blog contest.

    Thanks for all you two do!

  6. Hello!
    So excited about this week ... first time doing this sort of thing. Can I submit more than one pitch (for the same project) to the honing workshop? What about the submission window day and twitter party? Also curious about the email address. Thank you!!

  7. What email address do you use for the submission window contest on the 13th and 14th? Its the 35 word pitch, but I don't understand where you send your pitch. Thanks.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello - Wondering how many 35-word pitches can be sent on Submissions days. Thx!

  10. hi there : is there a specific format you want for pitchmas entries? thanks!

  11. hi there : is there a specific format you want for pitchmas entries? thanks!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

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